Otis Gibson Departs Yorkshire CCC
Neil Whitaker reports

DEPARTING Yorkshire head coach Ottis Gibson said: “The last three years have been difficult, in the first year I with Darren Gough we thought it would take us five years to win the Vitality County Championship. Relegation was something that we didn’t plan for and without the points deduction I think that we would have been promoted last year.September 30, 2024 2:29 pm
I am really proud of the lads here and they have put in a lot of hard work. We didn’t win a match in our first seven matches and that was a challenge because we have a lot of younger players but they stood up.
I think that Adam Lyth and Finley Bean are one of the best opening partnerships in the county. When I came here I didn’t know anything about the young players so I had to build a relationship with them. Bean was a product of the academy who left and we were told that he was scoring a lot of runs for York so we invited him in and he scored 400 for the second team. That got him into the first team. As a coach I just hope that the young players will take the opportunities. Whoever comes in will be coming into a healthy environment.
We knew what we needed to do before the start of the game and we have dominated the game.”