Smithers bowled: and v Mill Hill he secured four wickets and three caches (when MCC won by 15 runs). At Worcester Park v Maori however he was almost a bystander: Ian Peebes took nine wickets and caught the other! In 1939 he had Lord Tennyson leg-before for 0 v Lords And Commons: took five wickets v Aldershot Command (MCC winning by six runs): and four wickets v Hampton Wick, all bowled. When Indian Gymnkhana came to Lord's he was first change after RJO Meyer and WR Watkins and dismissed the highest scorers, MI Merchant and Asghar Ali, but not before they had made 199 between them. His 10 overs cost 61 runs.
During the War he was a chaplain with RNVR serving with destroyers and and awarded the DCS in 1942. On demobilisation he was inducted as Vicar for Bounds Green and for the net five years played whenever he could for either Southgate, MCC, Devon Dumplings, Devon, I Zingari, Free Foresters or London Clergy sides.
On saying goodbye to London in 1951 he served in country parishes of his native Suffolk and played for one of his parishes Bawdsley as well as the occasional Free Foresters and I Zingari match.
He attended Test Matches regularly at Lord's. A little parson always in clerical attire, downstairs in the Pavilion wearing a Panama Hat with IZ ribbon! That was "Tubby".