Christopher Bazalgette ‘The Gette’
Christopher Bazalgette ‘The Gette’ 1938-2023

Christopher Bazalgette, the ‘Gette’ became a Legend of Hampshire Club Cricket taking over 2500 wickets for Hampshire Hogs,Hambledon,Bat & Ball as well as the Forty Club. Originally a seam bowler with outswing he developed into a slow lob bowler and if the cricket field was large enough and the fielders, young and fleetfooted, would take endless wickets caught in the deep.
Bazalgette was marketing manager of the The Cricketer magazine for over three decades and well known throughout the world of cricket. He also wrote several books on aspects of club cricket including captaincy.
He received a great many published tributes as well as obituaries in the Times and Telegraph.
He organized the first two Europe Nations Competitions in Guernsey and then Worksop College before the European Cricket Federation took over followed by ICC Europe.

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